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Bee Inspection 1

Largely through efforts of Smith and the New Jersey Beekeeper's Association on March 28, 1911, the New Jersey Legislature passed an act which made it unlawful for anyone to keep diseased bees and provided for apiary inspection, treatments, and certificates of freedom from foulbrood. This was designed to safeguard the beekeeping industry and to prevent the spread of brood diseases in New Jersey. The State Entomologist was charged with the enforcement of this law and an initial appropriation of $2,000 was provided. On December 11, 1911, Elmer G. Carr of New Egypt was appointed as a deputy bee inspector, to succeed former deputy, a "Mr. Sharp," who had been appointed July 1, 1911 but had subsequently resigned.

Although not related to nursery inspection work, the State Board in 1898 also printed twenty two- to four-page circulars prepared by Smith on the control of various tree and crop insect pests.

The nursery inspection work and the bee inspection activities continued to be supervised by the State Entomologist of the State Board of Agriculture, who was also the Experiment Station entomologist, until the creation of the New Jersey Department of Agriculture in 1916. The new Department of Agriculture was vested with the authority previously granted in fifteen acts of the Legislature enforced by eight different agencies involving the entomological activities of the old State Board and the activities of other agencies with the prevention of diseases in cattle, etc.