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Medical and Veterinary Entomology (11:370:406)

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  1. Semester: Fall & Spring
  2. Period:  M, W (5:40 p.m. –7:00 p.m.)
  3. Credits: 3
  4. Format: Lecture
  5. Pre-requisites and Other Registration Restrictions: 01:119:115/116 General Biology I and II. (Recommended)
  6. Text: There is no required text. Materials from a variety of sources will be provided each week, including an outline of the notes for the class.


Medical and Veterinary Entomology is a scientific discipline that studies the impact of arthropods and arthropods borne diseases in public and animal health. The epidemiology of vector-borne pathogens have dramatically changed in recent years, as we have witnessed the introduction of Zika and West Nile viruses in the US, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever in south-western Europe, and the continuous emergence of Lyme disease throughout the Northeast of the USA and central Europe. As a result, there is an increasing public health interest in arthropods and vector-borne pathogens.

The objective of this course is to understand the impact of arthropods and vector-borne diseases on public and animal health by learning principles in vector biology and infectious diseases, as well as the ecological and evolutionary processes that determine the epidemiological patterns of arthropods and vector-borne diseases. In this course, you should expect to do much more than to memorize; students must be able to analyze, discuss and assess scientific data and hypotheses surrounding the controversies of emerging diseases and present this information in a logical and scientific manner.

Course Learning Goals

  • Master the essential biological aspects (anatomy, physiology, ecology, and biochemistry) of medical arthropods.
  • Awareness of the impact that insects and mites have on humanity, especially in public health.
  • Understand vector management and different control strategies.
  • Preparation to be professionals in public health entomology: a) Ability to design, implement and analyze experiments and interpret results in entomological research. b) Communication of entomological information to the scientific community and the public.


Attendance and Participation (30%)

Attendance is mandatory (30% of your final grade relays on participation [presentations 15%]). Thus, you should be on time and ready for discussion (I expect lively class discussions). Thus, assignments such as readings are mandatory and are expected to be done in preparation for class discussions.

The students' course progression will be assessed by short quizzes (15%) at the beginning of each class and by examining their oral and written ability to respond to the topics introduced in the classroom. Therefore, participation in discussions in class is highly encourage.

Midterm Exams (35%)

The midterm exam will roughly count 1/3 of the final grade and will cover the topics and assignments described in the first 15 lectures. The midterm exam will consist of a multiple option text (70%) and short questions (30%).

Final Exam (35%)

The final exam is comprised of multiple-choice test (80%) and two short question (20%).


Álvaro Toledo
Thompson Hall, Room 130
Office Hours: Open