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Insect-Plant Biochemical Interactions (11:370:417)

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  1. Semester: Fall, in odd-numbered years (Taught together with 16:370:517 Insect-Plant Biochemical Interactions)
  2. Period: MW2 (10:55 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.)
  3. Credits: 3
  4. Format: Lecture
  5. Pre-requisites and Other Registration Restrictions: Consent of instructor; Biology 01:119:115&116; Biochemistry 01:694:301; or equivalents
  6. Texts: L.M. Schoonhoven, J.J.A. van Loon & M. Dicke (2005) Insect-Plant Biology. Oxford University Press. 421 p. $110; Papers from the current literature; the entire course will be posted on a Rutgers Canvas website – FA2019 16:370:517:01 / 11:370:417:01 INSCT PLNT INTERACTN/li>


Biochemistry of interactions between herbivorous insects and their host plants, plant-derived insect nutrients, carnivorous plants, coevolutionary adaptations to toxic phytochemicals & other plant defenses, pollination. Descriptive chemistry of plant compounds & explanation of characteristics & biological activity features of the molecules, metabolic and physiological defense mechanisms of insects, the mode of action and molecular features of target physiological systems.

Learning Goals

  • Knowledge of the major groups of herbivorous insects and host plant species.
  • Understanding of the biochemical & physiological interactions and their evolutions between the plants and the insects.
  • Understanding of the consequences of human agricultural and other activities on these interactions.
  • Ability to identify interactions and the participating plants and insects; to design experimental approaches, proper data collection and analysis for improved
    understanding of the interactions; to devise strategies for accommodating or utilizing these interactions for the benefit of sustained and habitable environments.
  • Communicate information to the scientific community and the public.

Learning Assessment

Item Percent of Grade
6 online quizzes 90%
Lecture attendance 10%


Dr. L. B. Brattsten
Thompson Hall, Room 133
848-932-8166, 732-921-0131
Office Hours: by appointment