- Semester Offered: Every even-numbered Spring semester, together with undergraduate course 11:370:404
- Period: Lectures: T, TH 2 (10:55 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.) in Thompson Hall, Room 201; Labs: T 3,4,5 (12:35 – 5:15 p.m.)
- Location: Old Blake Hall, Room 101
- Credits: 4
- Format: Lectures, laboratory exercises, and discussions.
- Pre-requisites and Other Registration Restrictions: 11:370:381 Insect Biology or equivalent, 11:115:403, 404 General Biochemistry or equivalent, consent of instructor.
- Text: Chapman, Simpson, Douglas, 2013. "The Insects: Structure and Function", 5th Edition, 900+ pp. Cambridge University Press; papers from the current literature; the entire course content and schedules will be available on a Rutgers Canvas website
This is a equired core course for Entomology graduate students.
The subject of insect physiology and biochemistry will be discussed in the following categories:
Learning Objectives
- To understand principles and specific adaptations related to the physiology and biochemistry of insects
- To pose and test hypotheses and to critically evaluate scientific data and theories
- To understand some of the methods and techniques used to study insect physiology and biochemistry