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Insect Biology (11:370:381)

View Syllabus (115k PDF)

  1. Semester: Fall and Spring 
  2. Period:  Lecture: T, Th (2 p.m.-3:20 p.m.); Labs -  section 01: M 2:00-5:00 p.m., section 02: Th 3:500- 6:500 p.m., section 03: T 3:50 - 6:50  p.m., section 04: F 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  3. Credits: 4
  4. Format: Lecture/Lab. This course meets twice a week for lecture (2.4 hrs) and once a week for lab (3 hrs)
  5. Pre-requisites and Other Registration Restrictions: 01:119:101-102
  6. Text: Gossner, M. M. (2012). Daly and Doyen's Introduction to Insect Biology and Diversity. James B. Whitfield and Alexander H. Purcell III

Course Website and Materials

  • Handouts will be distributed in class.
  • Reading materials and articles will be distributed through Sakai.


This course aims to introduce students to basic insect biology, evolution, and comparative taxonomy. Insects impact society through their role as pests of agricultural, medical, and urban sectors as well as their beneficial roles in ecosystems and as biological control for invasive pests. We will also cover how insects, such as the fruit fly pose as excellent models for scientific research.

Learning Goals

Core Curriculum Learning Goals

  • Students should be able to define key concepts relating to insect biology and evolution covered in lecture materials.
  • Students should be able to classify and identify insects to the level of Order.
  • Students should be able to apply course material to demonstrate their ability to solve real world problems.
  • Students should be able to examine scientific studies to draw connections between lecture material and current research to draw conclusions on the need for research.
  • Students should be able to produce original work to investigate an insect its significance to their field.

Additional Learning Goals Specific to This Course and Corresponding LG for Entomology Program

  • Attain exposure to the diversity, evolution of insects (1)
  • Knowledge of insect morphology, biology, behavior, and ecology (1)
  • Knowledge of the environmental importance of insects (2)
  • Familiarity with the health and economic impacts of insects on humans (2)
  • Preparation for advanced courses in Entomology (1)

Link to Entomology Undergraduate Program Goals

Assignments/Responsibilities, Grading & Assessment

Achievement of learning goals will be based on beginning-of-class quizzes, a mid-term exam, a final exam, a case study one-page assignment, a laboratory section and class attendance combined with participation credit. It is critical that students attend class, and so to encourage attendance part of the grade will be based on classroom attendance and participation.

Item Percent of Grade
Midterm Exam 20%
Final Exam 25%
Lab 25%
Quizzes (2% each) 10%
Case Study Assignment 10%
Participation/discussions 10%


Dr. Chloe Hawkings         Thompson Hall, room 132         Office Hours: By appointment